J K News Today Commentary

For the past 30 years Kashmiri separatists have stoked secession and demanded “ sacrifices” from the youngsters of the Valley to get “ Azadi” , but till this date they have not been able to define what Azadi they have been trying to achieve , and from whom and for whom , and above all in what form
But what have they done is that they have incited the young people and made them to walk up to graveyards on the shoulders of others. If this is the definition of “ azadi”, they have achieved it by unlashing death and destruction on the Vale and its youth . The young lives were cut short and those who could have formed the future of Kashmir are lying buried in graves.
Going by their own account , more than one lakh Kashmiri youth have “ sacrificed” their lives for the “ freedom struggle” in the past 30 years . If that is true , then what has the separatist leadership to show in terms of their own “ sacrifices”.
Thirty years is a long time in the journey of the place . During this period where have they brought Kashmir – what stage is this of the so-called “ freedom struggle.” There are no answers and there are going to be none any time in decades because there is nothing to suggest that the separatists have any plan of action .They have befooled the youth and done nothing else.
If the violence that they have legitimized is the way forward, then their pitch for the dialogue is phoney. Either they should be convinced that the dialogue is the way forward and then the only path available to them is to come to the table, and whenever they are offered talks, they make excuses and put impossible conditions so that the dialogue table disappears even before it appears on the scene.
Dialogue and terrorism cannot go together . If they justify violence , they cannot expect bouquets in return . Those who justify the violence as a means of achieving some utopian goals are worse enemies of the people than the men who become part of violence and unleash violence . And , those who are justifying the violence have kept themselves and their families aloof from the flames of violence , this is a universally known fact about which the people of Kashmir are gradually becoming aware of . As the inner rebellion against them is about to burst , they have started talking of dialogue without having any intent to put flesh and blood into it.
In such a situation, how can they be trusted?