Summer is known as the official season for weight loss. Not because of the extra sweat and super effectiveness of any exercise that you do, but because summer also brings with it the flexibility of being outdoors. Research has stated that outdoor activities lead to revitalization, increased energy and positive outcome. Being involved in outdoor activities also leads to better body engagement and enhanced performance levels. Summers are the best time to begin any outdoor activity purely because of the easy possibility of performing exercises without feeling stiff.

Coming to weight loss, the process should be fun and yet effective. If you continue with an activity which you dread going for, there are greater chances of you leaving that even before you know, no matter how good the activity is. Weight loss during summertime is a more feasible option than in winters due to two main reasons, the first one being the compatibility with weather and atmosphere. It is easier to be up for a 6-am-workout during summers than in winters. Secondly, the motivation is greater during summers to lose weight. This is because winter wear means layers of clothes which will hide all those extra flabs, while summer wear will only expose them. Hence, summers are the best time to lose weight and should not be wasted! Following are the four activities you can do during summers to shed extra kilos:


Swimming: The best whole body workout for any body type, age group or gender, an hour of swimming burns upto 400 calories and is super effective in toning your body better than any workout. All you need to decide is your daily time and swimming can help you lose weight in no time!

Cycling: Remember when you used to love cycling for hours as a kid? Well, why not as an adult? Cycling is a great activity to work up those muscles and burn some major calories. In city life, it may be difficult to go during evenings, hence mornings are a better option. The best part about cycling is you can cycle wherever, whenever and it’s free! You get to see new surroundings while losing weight, and what is better than that!

Outdoor sports such as football, badminton and volleyball: Sports can be a very good way to lose weight if you do not want to be monotonous. You can opt for any sports activity you like. It can be a game of badminton with your friend or family member, or football game with your friends or a simple game of gold old pitthu would do! You need to get yourself moving to increase your metabolism and it won’t happen with you sitting around.

Trekking: If you wish to get outside and lose some major weight, you can even opt for trekking. Going on a 10-day trek will help you get outside of your usual routine, get some fresh air and have fun while increasing your activity level. Sometimes, a stuck up monotonous everyday life is the biggest hindrance in your weight loss and a short trek can help get away from this!