JK News Today

Jammu, July 02: Army and J&K police saved a major road accident on highway by making an uncontrolled vehicle to stop but 10 pilgrims including a child jumped out of bus injuring themselves.
According to Jammu- based defence spokesman “
Indian Army along with the JK Police averted a major tragedy on NH-44, as a langar vehicle moving from Amarnath to Hoshiarpur, Punjab lost control due to brake failure.

Indian Army jawans along with JK Police persons attempted to slow down and finally stop the Bus from plunging down into the Nalaveh by placing stones beneath the tyres of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the 40 passengers travelling panicked and started to jump out of the vehicle in the process injuring themselves.

The injured persons included 06 Men, 03 Women and 01 Child .

The Army Quick Reaction Teams along with Ambulance reacted instantly and provided medical assistance and first aid to all the injured persons at their local medical facility at Nachalana.”