New Delhi, October 09

India’s Covid-19 tally on Friday crossed 6.9 million after 70,496 cases and 964 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, according to the data provided by the Union health ministry. The total cases include 893,592 active cases, over 5.9 million recoveries and 106,490 deaths.

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi continue to be some of the worst-affected states. Delhi has logged nearly 301,000 Covid-19 cases so far and the death toll stands at 5,653.

The Delhi Administration on Thursday chose to stop putting posters at the residences of those who have been infected with Covid-19 and are under home isolation. As per a health bulletin, officials have been asked to remove such posters from the residences of almost 13,000 people that are under home isolation.

Meanwhile the Israeli government, which has been criticized for its handling of the pandemic, has extended an emergency provision that bars public gatherings which includes protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for an additional week. Thousands of Israelis have participated in weekly protests outside Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem for months.