DGP congratulates family of braveheart

JK News Today

Srinagar, 14 August: Ministry of Defence which announced its awards today has awarded Shaurya Chakra to J&K Police martyr SgCt Saifullah Qadri Posthumously for displaying exemplary courage while fighting terrorists in Bhishember Nagar operation in Srinagar.

Director General of Police J&K Shri Dilbag Singh has congratulated family of the braveheart & has also expressed his gratitude to MoD for bestowing yet another homiurr on J&K Police. He has said that recognition of valour and sacrifice will boost the morale of JKP personnel in the fight against different modes of terror.

On 10.04.2022, a specific input was received from reliable sources regarding presence of some unknown terrorists in Bishamber Nagar, Konkhan Dalgate Srinagar. Continuous tracking and follow-up on leads extracted from sources by SgCt.Shri Safiulla Qadri pin pointed the exact location of hiding of terrorists. The brave official without caring about his personal safety seized the initiative and engaged the terrorists. On challenging the terrorist hiding inside the target house, he drew heavy fire with utter disregard to his personal safety showing nerves of steel and succeeded in neutralizing 02 terrorists in the face of gunfight whose identification was later revealed as “Abu Arsalan @ Khalid (A-category) R/o Pakistan of LeT/TRF outfit and Mohammad Bhai @ AbuQasim @Mir Sahib R/O Pakistan Category “A” of LeT outfit.

Undeterred by threats, the brave official continued to display raw courage and showing high spirit, he fell prey to bullets on 24.5.2022 from terrorists and attained martyrdom. His ultimate sacrifice for the nation has been one of the most supreme and exemplary.

For displaying indomitable courage and undoubting bravery beyond call of duty in eliminating two Pakistani terrorists, SgCt Shri Saifullah Qadri has been awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.