JK News Today

Jammu, August 7The Indian Army and Special Operations Group of Jammu & Kashmir Police has eliminated a major infiltration bid along the Line of Control in Poonch Sector. The complete operation was based on intelligence of Jammu & Kashmir Police about the likelihood of an infiltration attempt duly corroborated by Military and Civil Intelligence agencies. The Indian Army troops along with Special Operations Group of Jammu & Kashmir Police had put in place multiple ambushes along the Line of Control in Poonch Sector, which resulted in elimination of this Infiltration Bid.
At approximately around 0200 hrs, during the night of 06/07 August 2023, own alert troops deployed on the Line of Control in the Poonch Sector observed a suspicious movement of a group of two individuals trying to sneak across the Line of Control. Own alert troops kept the movement of the infiltrating group under continuous observation through new generation electro optical devices and as both the infiltrators moved towards own side of the Line of Control, the ambushes challenged the infiltrators. On being challenged, the infiltrators opened fire on own troops. In the ensuing firefight, one terrorist was shot dead and another injured. The injured terrorist managed to sneak into the forest close to Line of control, taking advantage of the thick foliage, rain and rocky outcrop. The area was immediately cordoned to prevent their escape across the Line of Control.

Joint Search operation was launched after first light in which the dead body of one terrorist was recovered. The killed terrorist was identified on the basis of Police records as Muneer Hussain, s/o Sattar Mohammad resident of Bagyal Dara, Poonch. He was a dreaded terrorist, a Divisional Commander of Hizbul Mujahideen. The individual had gone to the Pak occupied Jammu & Kashmir in 1990s and has master minded a number of attacks on Security Forces. Inputs suggest that he was given the task of re-vitalizing the terrorist activities in South of Pir Panjal Ranges.

The search operations led to the recovery of one AK 56, one 9 mm Pistol with Silencer, one mag of AK 56, 10 rounds of 7.62 mm, Nine rds of 9 mm, two hand grenades, eatables and medicines. Recovery of Pistol with Silencer indicates the indl was likely to be quite high in the Tanzeem Hierarchy.

By their quick action, alert Indian Army and Special Operations Group troops have thus prevented a major infiltration bid and neutralized the top Divisional Commander of Hizbul Mujahideen Tanzeem. The operation has once again proven the existing synergy between all security agencies operating in this area and highlights the close coordination between them. This incident also highlights Pakistan’s attempts of reviving terrorism in South of Pir Panjal Ranges exploiting the terror veterans.

We wish to assure the people of the region that the Indian Army continues to remain alert on the Line of Control and is fully prepared to thwart any such attempts in the future too.