JK News Today
District Legal Services Authority Udhampur in collaboration with Art of Living today organized ‘Har Ghar Dhyan’ on mental hygine workshop under the patronage of Chairman District legal services Authority udhampur Haq Nawaz Zargar and supervision of DLSA Secretary sub judge Ajay Kumar at District Court complex today .
The Har Ghar Dhyan meditation Session was held under the patronage of DLSA udhampur and Sunil sharma District Cordinator of Arts of Living udhampur who was resorce Person in the workshop. In the workshop Presiding officer of different courts, Bar members , large number of court staff and PLVS Participated.
The Union Ministry of Culture has collaborated with Art of Living to reach out to the masses and youth to educate them about mental health and empower them with the tool of meditation for better health.
Resource person Art of living Sunil Sharma very beautifully explained how the change in life style adopting meditation, pranayama and stress relieving kriyas help in boosting immunity and health, relieve stress, anxiety and depression, and has ability to manage our mind, increasing Stamina to work relentlessly for longer durations due to such nature of their job. He added that the practice of meditation is to maintain mental hygiene.
Giving vote of thanks, on behalf of DLSA Senior Judicial Employee Ranjit Parihar thanks Pr Distt and session judge udhampur, presiding officers and all participant fo participating in today’s workshop. He also thankes Chairman and secretary DLSA and Resource person Art of living for organising such mediation workshop for judical officer and staff .