Lok Sabha security breach: Two intruders jumped from the visitors’ gally and ran amock inside the Lok Sabha spraying some gas.

JK News Today

New Delhi, 13, Dec: A security scare was sounded in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday when an intruder jumped from the visitors’ gallery and started running around the House. The proceeding of the Lok Sabha was suspended and the MPs started coming out of the Lok Sabha. There was a commotion as the intruder — wearing a blue jacket — was found roaming inside the Lok Sabha. The MPs and the security caught hold of the man and started interrogating them. It is not yet known whether there was one intruder or several. As MPs came out of the Lok Sabha, they said the intruder(s) were spraying some kind of a gas.

West Bengal BJP MP Khagen Murmu was speaking in the Lok Sabha when the intruder was spotted inside the Lok Sabha. The proceeding was suspended until 2pm.