Editor-in-Chief JK News Today
Before and after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America on January 20, Pakistan has been in a state of extreme panic. Its strategic community is worried about the fallout of the new American administration on Pakistan, and they have valid reasons to do so as much of the world has changed in the past four years when Biden administration was there.
Pakistan’s biggest worry at the moment is the predictability of the unpredictability of the Trump administration – the glimpses of which were there in his first term and in his speech at the time of his second inauguration. That the US will safeguard its interests first is a given. It will be doing more in the coming four years has been reinforced by the Trump who has returned to the White House with a declared commitment to “ Make America Great Again.”
There are two dominant fears in Pakistan’s establishment and the diplomatic community. They fear that America under Trump in its zeal to beat China in trade and tariff war will punish Pakistan too. China and Pakistan claim to be iron clad friends and share strategic partnership as also the economic interests. . China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an outstanding example of that. This could be a real time fear, if China feels heat of the American ways particularly in the trade and tariff war and contest in strategically sensitive areas like South China Sea, its impact will flow to Pakistan. China will be more interested in containing American influence elsewhere than remaining focused on Pakistan, despite their age-old bonds.
Pakistani experts are engaged in an overtime exercise to remind that how their country had played a crucial role in the critical moments for America. They have traced their relationship since the days of SEATO, and how also it had played a very positive role in setting up of the relations between Washington and Beijing during Richard Nixon era.
Of course, they have read and re-read the chapters of their history filled with Pakistan’s contribution as a frontline state to contain the Soviet Union influence and expansionism in 1970s and !980s when it mobilized men from various nationalities to fight the Soviet troops , before curtains were drawn on Cold War.. Pakistan’s role as a partner in the US’ war on terror in the post 9/11 era is also being recalled to underline the sacrifices that Pakistan as a nation made while furthering American interests.
All these episodes written in the history of the place are being mentioned time and again not just to remind America of their historical relations, but also to escape any chances of punishment in the Trump 2.0 administration.
In fact, they are telling Donald Trump that without strategic location that Pakistan has, he cannot hope to achieve its strategic goals in the world. America cannot become great again unless it has friendly outlook toward its old allies and strategic partners of the past. That being that. But the US administrations of the past and present have also realized that it was Pakistan’s strategic location and the high volume of Islamic radicalism that made America target of terror attacks . The 9/11 would not have happened without the dubious role that Pakistan played in promoting the forces represented by Al-Qaeda and Taliban. And, it is nigh impossible that its strategic location can work to the benefit of both China and America. It will have to choose one of the two, and as the situation stands today, Pakistan cannot give up China; the latter has colonized both its geography and demography.
Pakistan is gripped with second most crucial fear: that America will look at Pakistan through Indian prism. It perceives India as its permanent enemy and bellies that India’s strategic and democratic proximity to Washington transcending several US administrations , particularly since the Bill Clinton era , and the nuclear deal that came about during George Bush’s presidency . This fear emanates from two facts – what Pakistan has done to India. It exported terrorism into India in its quest to get Kashmir through proxy war. Pakistan’s proxy war, with Kargil war included, left several thousands of Indian citizens particularly in the Valley, dead and displaced. Pakistan continued with its game of bleeding and destabilizing India despite admonishments from the international community. Second, the way India and America have come together on many forums because of their shared strategic outlook and faith in democracy. India has demonstrated its unshakeable faith in democracy through elections and the process that was in question in Jammu and Kashmir also corrected itself under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule. The circle of democracy is complete in every nook and corner of the country. It has established India as the foremost democratic leader in the world.
Pakistan is playing on its fears, but there are solutions too. All that depends on how it behaves. It must roll back all its terrorism apparatus and win the trust of India. Once that happens, it can resolve many of its domestic and foreign policy issues. There can be no better friend to Pakistan than India. But, for that Pakistan will have to really understand the meaning of maintaining peace and harmony with neighbours.