JK News today

An Astronomical Star Named & Registered as “Shri Ram”
by Jammu based Educationist & Founder of “One Global Foundation “
Mr. Rupesh Masson

Name of Shri Ram & India over Dragon!!!

The Star Named -Shri Ram
With Coordinates
RA 16h 27m 59.0s /
DEC 68′ 46′ 5.3″ /
REG NO 45FA19E11

Was registered in the Database of Star Register

Purpose of Naming a Star as Shri Ram
Rupesh Masson while explaining the Purpose of Naming a Star as “Shri Ram” Said -in
today’s tech world of Instagram & Twitter, the current generation is getting connected to
Indian culture, mythology thru rebuilding of shri ram temple mandir.

Naming a Star will Encourage Curiosity & motivate younger generation towards a Scientific
way of thinking & build interest in Educational Activities for study of astrology ,star
watching , Stargazing , Astronomy & forming of new astronomy clubs within Student
community & educational institutions in far & remote towns of India !!!

Most stars have not been given proper names, relying instead on alphanumeric designations
in star catalogues.
It is common in astronomy for objects to be given names, in accordance with accepted
astronomical naming conventions.
Over the past few centuries, number of stars have been named after individual people.

Star catalogues were compiled by many different ancient people, including the Babylonians,
Greeks, Chinese, Persians, and Arabs.
Most modern catalogue- the Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars, or just YBS, Yale & Harvard
University Star Catalogue & followed by NASA is a star catalogue that lists all stars of stellar
magnitude 6.5 or brighter, which is roughly every star visible to the naked eye from Earth.
These are available in electronic format and can be downloaded from space agencies’ data